Crusher Convo REACTS to Season 2 of Prodigy *SPOILERS*
It's been 72 hours since this season dropped and I am OH SO EXCITED and have to tell someone! So here is a quick Bonus episode I threw together last minute to talk about Season 2 and our amazing surprises!
What was your first reaction? What do you hope for Season 3? And how does this impact what we saw in Season 3 of Picard? Let's Crush the Conversation!
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I am joined by Patrick from It's Got Star Trek Podcast to discuss his favorite TNG episode "Cause & Effect" and other amazing Sci-fi (and not so Sci-fi) timey wimey episodes. And Happy Star Trek Day E...
Time for Jay (@JayR_Xx) and I to talk about Episodes 11-15 of #StarTrekProdigy and literally blow our minds about Beverly Crusher's return! You don't want to miss this! To read Ryan's Script, please v...
Here is a clip to tonight's episode of #CrusherConvo, talking about Episode 11-15 of #StarTrekProdigy! Thanks to Ryan and John for joining us tonight on #Insta! #BeverlyCrusher #WesleyCrusher
star trek prodigy, season 2, spoilers, doctor who, star trek picard, season 3, wesley crusher, beverly crusher, gates mcfadden, wil wheaton, prodigy, picard, jack crusher, crusher convo, podcast, bonus episode,